Owning your own machinery offers many benefits to medium and large companies, especially if it's the type of equipment you use on a daily basis. But in some situations, such as when you have a specialty or one-time job that you don't have the equipment for, renting can provide an attractive and highly affordable option. Here are five benefits that heavy machinery rental can offer.
1. You can just pay for the hours you actually use
Buying a machine outright can be the most cost-effective option over the life of a forklift if you're planning to use it regularly. If you don't need the forklift every day or even every week, though, paying rental prices can be a much more affordable option. Not only does renting mean that you don't have to make a large initial outlay, but it also means that you don't pay for the machine when you don't need it.
2. You don't have to find and hire as many maintenance and facilities personnel and contractors
The more machinery your company owns, the more operating and repair personnel you'll need to have on hand for the machines and the larger your facilities will have to be, which in turn means that you'll need to have more personnel to care for those facilities.
In addition, owning machinery means you're responsible for its upkeep and maintenance, so you'll need to have mechanics on hand, either employees or independent contractors, who will perform routine maintenance on the machines and make sure they stay in working order.
If you rent, on the other hand, the rental company takes care of all this and you don't have to spend the time and money finding and hiring these employees and contractors.
In addition, owning machinery means you're responsible for its upkeep and maintenance, so you'll need to have mechanics on hand, either employees or independent contractors, who will perform routine maintenance on the machines and make sure they stay in working order.
If you rent, on the other hand, the rental company takes care of all this and you don't have to spend the time and money finding and hiring these employees and contractors.
3. You can try it out for a short period of time to see if it works for you
If your first rental machine works pretty well but you think another type would work slightly better, or if you have a slightly different job to do next week, you can simply rent a different machine the next time without a fuss.
Renting allows you to choose between all the types of machinery available at the rental company without having to make a commitment the way you would if you were buying your own machinery. This means you don't get boxed in.
Renting allows you to choose between all the types of machinery available at the rental company without having to make a commitment the way you would if you were buying your own machinery. This means you don't get boxed in.
4. You don't have to have as much storage space and parking space
Another expense of owning all your own machines is the fact that they take up space on your property while you're not using them. And if you don't have enough space, you have to pay for parking space somewhere else. This is another factor that the rental company simply takes care of for you if you choose to rent; you only have the machinery on your property when you're using it.
5. Renting can offer more flexibility in the amounts of heavy machinery available
If you consider renting as an option, even if you also own some of your own forklifts, you'll have the possibility of pulling in a lot more forklifts during crunch times, allowing you to get more work done faster. This can be a lifesaver when you have an unexpectedly busy time or haven't quite scaled up your heavy machinery facilities to allow for the amount of machinery you really need.
Both owning your own equipment and renting additional forklifts to help in crunch times are goals that RDS Equipment, Inc. can help you with. Whether your company is looking to expand the ranks of its heavy machinery or whether you're looking for affordable rental options, feel free to contact us today for more information.
Both owning your own equipment and renting additional forklifts to help in crunch times are goals that RDS Equipment, Inc. can help you with. Whether your company is looking to expand the ranks of its heavy machinery or whether you're looking for affordable rental options, feel free to contact us today for more information.